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Thesis - PhD - Dattatraya Parle - IIT Bombay

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 Welcome to My PhD Thesis 

Modeling of Size Effect in Microcutting Considering Fracture and Microstructure

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3.2 FEA simulation using Lagrangian formulation
3.3 Microstructure modeling using SPH formulation
3.4 Summary

4 Experimentation on Micro-cutting
4.1 Theme of experimentation
4.2 Experimentation to validate FEA simulations
4.3 Experimentation to validate SPH simulations
4.4 Summary

5 Analysis of Microcrack Formation and Size Effect
5.1 Modeling of microcrack formation in micro-cutting
5.2 Microcracks formation in micro-cutting of AISI 1215 steel
5.3 Contribution of microcracks to specific shear zone energy
5.4 Microcrack formation in micro-cutting of AISI 1045 steel
5.5 Parametric variation of microcracks 
5.6 Summary

6 Analysis of Specific Work of Fracture (R) and Size Effect
6.1 Approach to the evaluation of specific work of fracture (R)
6.2 Evaluation of specific work of fracture
6.3 Parametric variation of specific work of fracture
6.4 Contribution of R to specific cutting energy
6.5 Summary

7 Analysis of J-integral and Size Effect in Micro-Cutting
7.1 Formulation of J-integral in micro-cutting 107
7.2 Study of J-integral ahead of tool-tip during micro-cutting 
7.3 Contribution of fracture in micro-cutting using J-integral
7.4 Comparison of specific work of fracture (R) and J-integral
7.5 Summary

8 Analysis of Effect of Workpiece Microstructure during Micro-cutting
8.1 Effect of microstructure on micro-cutting behavior
8.2 Effect of grain size on VM stress in the shear zone
8.3 Analysis of specific cutting energy
8.4 Summary

9 Conclusions and Recommendations
9.1 Conclusions
9.2 Contributions of research work
9.2 Recommendations for future work
