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Thesis - PhD - Dattatraya Parle - IIT Bombay - 2 Literature Review

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 Chapter 2

Literature Review

The intention of this review is to understand, experimental, analytical and numerical methodologies used to study the several phenomena that contribute to the size effect in micro-cutting. To this end, the literature shows that a large number of phenomena that occur during a metal cutting process especially on a microscopic scale cause the size effect. These phenomena are listed in Fig. 2.1. In the sections of this chapter, research work pertaining to modeling of these phenomena and evaluation of their contribution to the size effect in micro-cutting process have been identified. Also, the discussions thereafter lead to identification of gaps in the literature and formulation of objectives of the present work.

The size effect is a nonlinear increase in specific cutting energy with a decrease in uncut chip thickness during micro-cutting, which occurs due to several factors. The size effect in micro-cutting has been reported experimentally and investigated analytically as well as numerically by several researchers over the years. A nonlinear increase in the specific cutting energy as uncut chip thickness decreases, which is a typical trend. Size effect becomes prominent as the scale of cutting process reduces from conventional cutting to micro-cutting. Fig. 2.2 shows scales of specific cutting energy for major metal cutting processes. The effect is minimal in conventional tensile tests but increases gradually as the scale of the process goes to grinding [5, 54]. Researchers have attributed the occurrence of size effect to various phenomena prevailing during micro-cutting as shown in Fig. 2.1. It should be noted that factors causing size effect are interrelated and combined effect will further complicate the phenomenon of size effect in micro-cutting.

2.1 Material strengthening

2.2 Subsurface deformation

2.3 Tool geometry

2.4 Microcrack formation in the shear zone

2.5 Gross fracture phenomenon ahead of tool-tip

2.6 Workpiece microstructure effect

2.7 Conclusions from the literature review

2.8 Objective and scope of the research

2.9 Approach to the work