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GIIS - Class 1 - English - Main Page

Dear Parents,
I know everyone of you is nervous as well as curious. As your child will face the examination first time. As a parent of class I child, I have few tips for preparation of your child for the examination. These tips worked for me and my child. Hopefully will work it for you and your kid as well.

Steps to prepare your kid for English:
Step 1: Start with XSEED English Volume 1.
Step 2: Day 1 Morning - Sit with your kid and ask to read the lesson. While reading if your kid is stumbling at few words, provide help to complete the words or sentences. Each chapter/poem may take 30 min to 1 hr depending on interest and concentration of kid. During reading session explain your kid meaning of words/sentences.
Step 3: Day 1 Evening - Revise the lesson/poem. Ask your kid few questions on chapter or poem read in the morning. You can ask questions from end of the chapter or use Volume 2 to ask questions. Also ask spelling of words, rhyming words, opposite words, similar words, similar spelling words, etc. This may be half an hour session.
Step 4: Day 2 Morning - Ask your kid to write lesson/poem in the notebook by using book. This will be kind of third revision. Your kid may feel bored to do this but you will have to motivate. This session is most important as it will help improve writing as well as revise the chapter. If child is not bored and still taking interest revise chapter again with the help of few question answer sessions.
Step 5: Day 2 Evening - Take sample examination of your kid with using question set provide in this blog.
Step 6: Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 for other lessons/poem too.

Sample papers prepared by me are given below:
My Balloon
Pat the Cat
Gwen the Hen
Doing Words
Cheenu's Grandpa and My Friend Shelly

One and Many
The Only Elephant In School
Asking Questions
A Piece of Cake

Babu's Sons
My Friend Brand
The Sheep and the Bee
Sounds and Sentences (Naming Part and Telling Part)
Starting Blends (st, sm, sk, sw, sp)
Ending Blends (st, nd, nt)
Vowel Teams (ee, ea, ai, ie)

Where is Gola's Home?
What is Tree?
Describing Words

Thanks for your time. Keep visiting.

Dr. Dattatraya Parle
Email: dparle@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 9325707025
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dattatraya.parle
Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/dattatraya-parle-1bb2635

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