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The Employment Struggle: Indian Students in the UK and Finding the Right Path

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Recently, I came across an eye-opening article from the Indian Express titled "‘We are sorry to inform you…’: Indian students in UK struggle to find jobs after spending lakhs on ‘rip-off’ degrees." Click here to read the article.

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The challenges faced by Indian students studying in the UK struck a chord with me. Despite their dreams of a global education and promising career prospects, many find themselves grappling with the harsh reality of unemployment after investing substantial amounts in their degrees. In this article, I explore the hurdles faced by Indian students in the UK job market and offer practical solutions to empower them on their career journey.

After reading Indian Express article, I could empathize with the issue highlighted. While working in UK as a researcher, I have observed many students struggle. For many Indian students, studying in the UK is a dream come true. However, the harsh reality is that after spending substantial amounts on degrees, many of them find themselves struggling to secure full-time jobs in the country. Despite the lure of prestigious universities and the promise of a global experience, the employability options for international students, especially those from India, have become a cause for concern. 

The Dilemma of Employability:

Indian express highlights Nisha Arora's (name changed) story which is all too familiar. After graduating with a Master's in English Literature in 2019, she hoped to build her career in the UK, only to be met with a nightmare of job hunting. Unfortunately, Nisha is not alone in her struggles. Data from the Office for Students (OfS) reveals that three out of ten graduates are unable to find highly skilled jobs. This has prompted the UK government to call for stricter controls on courses that fail to convert students into employees. For more information on OfS click here.

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also voiced concerns about the quality of some courses, which leave graduates ill-prepared for the job market. This problem is exacerbated by the misconception among employers that hiring international students involves complex paperwork and sponsorship issues, leading them to opt for local candidates instead. To address these challenges, several key solutions can be implemented by UK government, UK universities and Indian Goverment by taking right steps which is out of scope of the students. While the challenges of employability for Indian students in the UK are complex, there are several proactive steps they can take to improve their prospects and maximize their opportunities in the job market. Here's a roadmap to empower students for success.

The Path to Solutions: Empowering Students for Success

  • Research and Select Future-Focused Courses: To increase their employability, students should meticulously research and choose courses aligned with the UK job market's critical skills shortages. Opting for in-demand fields like technology, healthcare, and finance can give students a competitive edge.
  • Engage in Industry Internships and Work Experience: Internships and work experience play a pivotal role in gaining practical knowledge and building industry connections. Actively seeking internships during studies or part-time work relevant to their fields can enhance students' skillsets and impress potential employers.
  • Network and Build Professional Relationships: Building a robust professional network is key to a successful job search. Students should actively participate in university events, industry seminars, and job fairs to interact with professionals and expand their connections. Utilizing platforms like LinkedIn can further boost their networking efforts.
  • Seek Guidance from University Career Services: University career services offer valuable resources and guidance to students. Regularly visiting these offices for workshops and personalized assistance on CV writing, interview skills, and job applications can greatly benefit students in their job search.
  • Showcase Transferable Skills and Global Outlook: Indian students bring unique perspectives and diverse skillsets to the table. Emphasizing their cross-cultural adaptability, language proficiency, and problem-solving abilities can make them attractive candidates in a globalized job market.
  • Make Use of the Graduate Route: The Graduate Route, which allows international students to work in the UK for up to two years after graduation, is a valuable opportunity. Leveraging this initiative can provide students with practical work experience and a chance to establish themselves in the UK job market.
  • Explore Opportunities in High-Demand Sectors: Researching and targeting industries experiencing growth and demand for skilled professionals can open up exciting job opportunities. Staying updated on market trends and needs will enable students to identify the right companies and job openings.
  • Continuous Learning and Skill Development: In a dynamic job market, continuous learning is essential. Investing in professional development courses, certifications, and online workshops helps students stay competitive and adaptable in their chosen fields.

The Silver Lining:

Despite the challenges, few students have managed to find success. For instance, few students secured two job offers after applying to nearly 500 companies. Such students determination and perseverance finally paid off, demonstrating that persistence is key to overcoming the odds in the competitive job market.


While the challenges of employability for Indian students in the UK are undeniable, the power to transform this situation lies within the students themselves. By adopting a proactive and strategic approach, students can navigate the job market with confidence and unlock a world of opportunities. The road to solutions involves making informed choices, building a robust network, and continuously honing skills. By embracing these steps, Indian students can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career journey in the UK. Remember, the journey doesn't end with graduation; it's only the beginning of a bright and promising future. 

My helping hand to students studying in the UK:

I am helping students to find internships in UK through my blog. Explore Internships across UK companies, UK universities and NHS. On weekly basis, I list thousands of jobs from NHS and UK Universities on my blog. My blog pages like 'NHS Jobs' and 'UK University Job' can be valuable resources for international graduates seeking relevant job opportunities. Click here for my blog.

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