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Dear Parents,
As practiced in previous classes, I am creating Question Bank (QB) based preparation material for Class 5. This preparation material is created based on preparation technique used by me for my daughters study. This question based preparation was also used by some of my teachers during my schooling at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. I realized this is effective technique which has flavor of Bloom Taxonomy for Learning. 

As kids are moving to the higher classes, number of questions are increasing. My QB contains all possible questions such as:
  • Fill in the blanks
  • True / false
  • MCQ
  • Short answer questions
  • Medium answer questions
  • Long answer question
  • Match the following
  • Complete table
  • Draw figures and diagrams
  • Picture based questions
  • ... 
These questions will help kids to develop four levels of Bloom Taxonomy i.e. remember, understand, apply and analyze. This is foundation for developing cognitive level of thinking.

Few preparation tips:
  • Ask kid to read and revise lesson.
  • Test kids understanding orally using fill in the blanks, True/false, MCQ's and short answer questions.
  • Ask to write answer to few important medium and long answer question. This is important step based on my observation in Class 4. Our kids were struggling to write full sentences with correct spelling and grammar with essence of framing correct answer.
  • Ask to practice drawing diagrams because its important in science.

QB for Lessons

About Blooms Taxonomy:
Originally, Benjamin Bloom published this taxonomy in 1956 and it is revised in 2001. Image below shows Blooms Taxonomy with its simple example for your understanding.

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